Canyoneering in Iceland Inspires! 2

Hikers near stream

Ann and Steve entering Nauthusagil ravine in Iceland

Our Icelandic self-driving tour book described, “a little water adventure:…by walking carefully on rocks in a stream, you can avoid getting your feet wet and see a waterfall.” Yes! I steadied my rickety knees with a hiking stick and tackled the rocks. Falling into the shallow stream wouldn’t have killed me. I’d likely have been hurt though, so I struggled along testing every step, setting my stick, grappling the canyon wall for grips, stopping to revel in the beauty. The canyon walls soon narrowed to a slot with scenery so gorgeous I groaned.
Passing hikers warned that the rocks ahead were slippery. Another assured us that traversing the section with chain handholds was not as scary as it looked. We rounded a few more bends and watched a mother fighting herself to risk each steppingstone across the stream to the chain section. Meanwhile, her boys scrambled up a hump on the far side, then found footholds under a shelf while griping the chain loops to lean out. I watched the mom teeter for some time before I sounded retreat. I didn’t much mind missing the 106th waterfall of our trip and counted our excursion a mega success. Now, I find that missing my try at the chains is what I regret.

A little slice of sky visible from the canyon floor

Still, of all the wondrous experiences Iceland thrilled us with, canyoneering that ravine was my absolute favorite. I’ve made a mental note to remember to push more limits on future trips. The best adventures evidently come through personal challenge.

…And here I sit, seriously balking at the next step in prepping for my book launch—as if my shiny insight were only true for travel. Thunderation, woman! Get after it. Adventure awaits.

Mossy rock ravine

Nauthusagil skylight

About breathtakebyways

Ann Williams’ travel articles have appeared in publications all over the country including The Washington Post, Roads to Adventure, and Jack and Jill. Between researching and writing books, she specializes in creative lectures.

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