John Wilkes Booth’s grave seems a likely top attraction for Baltimore’s Green Mount Cemetery. The staff is happy to mark the location on a map, and that took us to the family plot, but even so, there was no finding J.W. What we found was more interesting–pennies. I noticed a collection on an unmarked stone at the corner of the plot. More balanced amongst the raised “Booth” lettering on a central stone. The more we looked, the more pennies we found.

Some say this is John Wilkes Booth’s grave. Some say no. Photo from Pinterest.
Where do they come from…and why? It’s not hard to guess, but can anyone know for certain?
The little stone is JWB’s grave and the pennies are put there to honor Lincoln whose face is on the penny.
Thanks for weighing in Joan! I love this clever penn-morial for Lincoln. Apparently some think the unmarked stone in the photo is for a sister. Steve and my son-in-law tried hard to nail the correct location down, even called the office for a lifeline, but that little white stone never came up as a possibility. I’m sure it’s best that people don’t know exactly where JWB is.