World tour cruise director introducing me as guest lecturer.
With my first book scheduled for publication I needed to become an orator extraordinaire, but how to get there? I didn’t have to look far. My TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) group is always in need of a program. Better yet, support is their specialty. I took my painstakingly constructed motivational talk to all the TOPS groups in the area.
I needed the practice because our local coordinator had gotten my talk booked for the International Recognition Days conference. I would give it for two audiences of up to 600. Talk about a thrill ride. Those folks came to have a good time, and they were with me all the way. They oohed the happy parts, awed the sad, laughed at my jokes, and applauded like they’d won money. Bless them!
Over the past 12 years I’ve continued to grow and get better gigs, and I always feel more confident when I can share the material with my TOPS people first. Last week they heard my first Sea Wonders talk—Dolphins: What are they thinking? I don’t know when I’d have gotten it off the drawing board if my TOPS group hadn’t needed a program. The group didn’t mind my being off topic. I’ve talked to them about everything from love letters to outlaws, and they always rave. Yes, we are talking: support group extraordinaire, and this speaker is eternally grateful to have them on my team. …oh yeah, they help with weight control too.