In Praise of Tuesday Afternoon Writers

Picture from sweetlyindecisive

                                                                                                                   Picture from sweetlyindecisive

One of my biggest pre-retirement worries was how to find a writers’ group to keep me growing. Good writers’ groups are a rare treasure, so when a woman I’d just met invited me to join her group, I answered by hugging her. Bless you Marsha!

Our meetings keep me working when the going is tough, and feedback is important, but writers’ groups become so much more.  Shared writings are almost magical in their power to spirit us far deeper into each other’s experiences, gifts, and perspectives than conversation can. In kindling another’s courage to write what matters, I seem to open my mind extra wide and later find myself grappling to fit things like ESP, exorcism, and angels into my world order.

Angels are actually a shoo-in. Given the blessing my group bestows on me, how could our leader, Maggie, be anything less than an angel in my book?

About breathtakebyways

Ann Williams’ travel articles have appeared in publications all over the country including The Washington Post, Roads to Adventure, and Jack and Jill. Between researching and writing books, she specializes in creative lectures.