Glossamer Sea Gems

The great “atmospheric river” weather event of 2019 probably didn’t make a lasting blip on too many radars, but it inscribed this entry in my book of memories. We were camped on Carlsbad Beach in California, and as the atmospheric river passed over us, we seemed to be camped in a car wash. Next morning, I descended the several flights of stairs to the beach and couldn’t get enough pictures. The storm-churned foam refracted sunlight to intensely colored rainbow colors backed by the many-colored polished beach rocks, as if a coven of sea witches had brought forth a gossamer gem show just for me.  Still, they got even brighter and more magical when I decided to share them with you.

About breathtakebyways

Ann Williams’ travel articles have appeared in publications all over the country including The Washington Post, Roads to Adventure, and Jack and Jill. Between researching and writing books, she specializes in creative lectures.