Freaky Finds of a Litter Picker

I often applaud people who post photos of the litter they’ve gathered while walking. I’ve never taken pics of my hauls, until last week when I came across a head. What mystery writer could pass up a decapitated cranium?
Today, I asked my walking friend to take some shots of another favorite find. It was hanging on a road sign along a country road near Parachute, Colorado, and I didn’t want to make off with it before the owner had a chance to reclaim it, so I watched it for a couple days. My plan was to wash it and donate it, but when I finally salvaged it, I noticed a hole…a small round hole…with heat-sealed edges.

Jacket with a hole in the shoulderOMG, a bullet hole!

But no blood, so I’m thinking the jacket took the hit while hanging on the sign. Still, it seemed wrong to donate a holey jacket, so I wear it myself.  Flattering it’s not, but for conversation and inspiration, it’s priceless. 

About breathtakebyways

Ann Williams’ travel articles have appeared in publications all over the country including The Washington Post, Roads to Adventure, and Jack and Jill. Between researching and writing books, she specializes in creative lectures.