
Stubborn Trees

Some trees just don’t know when to quit.   I have admired the tenacity of trees growing on rock cliffs and the walls of buildings.  We sometimes camp beside one that leans far out over a creek that undercut the bank that supported that side of the root system.  Tender new roots probe into the tiniest cracks then slowly bulk up to cleave rock and crumble cement.  Even metal pipes are no match for thirsty roots.  We can’t beat them, and the world will work way better if we join them already.  Sign me: Tree Hugger.   


As a Colorado girl I learned about treeline or timberline, a high altitude border somewhere between 11,000 to 12,000 feet on the mountain where conditions get so harsh that trees can’t grow.  A little over a year ago we visited Acadia National Park in Maine, and a ranger talked about Mt. Desert — so named because trees don’t grow on top of it.  Mt. Desert can’t be more than a hundred feet above sea level.  How can it have a treeline? Since then I’ve been noticing tree lines everywhere.  Some run along the top of a hogback leaving one side […]